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School Schedules

School Schedules
Students may not be dropped off prior to 7:20 a.m.  Students arriving BEFORE 7:30 a.m. MUST report to the cafeteria until the 7:30 bell.
7:30 a.m. - 7:50 a.m. --------------- Arrival
                 3:05 p.m. --------------------- Dismissal
Our school is one of the top schools in the district, and leading the way in Duplin County.  We did not get here quickly or easily, but through adjustments and discipline.
This year as we strive to meet the goals set forth by NC DPI's 21st Century Learner's Model, we will be using the first part of our day for remediation and acceleration.  Students will meet with a teacher/staff member that can help them to rise to their full potential.  This time will not be used for outside play or free time, but will be instrumental in helping your child to be the very best he/she can be. To that end, we are asking that all students be in class by 7:50 every morning. 

Our teachers and staff work hard to ensure that all of our students are receiving the best education possible.  In order for our efforts to be successful, we need your support.  It is very important that our students are present for the entire instructional day 7:50-3:05.  Please schedule appointments for times outside of school hours.  Only check your child out early for emergency situations. In cases where you must check you child out early, please note that students will not be called out of class after 2:45.

We understand this may cause some adjustment for parents and students, but we respectfully sak that you understand when students are picked up during the instructional day, it causes a disruption for the entire class.  Most especially during a time when students that are struggling need extra help.
Additionally, transportation changes will not be taken over the phone.
Help us remain at the top and to continue to reach new heights by supporting this decision here at Chinquapin Elementary School and in the community.