Beta Cares Closet
On Monday, November 13–World Kindness Day, our Beta students will celebrate by bringing in items for our new Beta Cares Closet. Many students in our school are in need of basic necessities such as toothpaste, deodorant, etc. We are asking each Beta student to donate ONE OF EACH item that correlates with their grade level. Please bring items to Mrs. Becher’s room 115.
This closet will be maintained by Maddie Swinson, Carrlee Jack Murray and Landin Raynor. We thank these students for their dedication to helping our school!
Thank you for your support in providing for our students!
5th grade- toothpaste, toothbrush, body wash
6th grade- deodorant, body lotion, hair brush
7th grade- shoe strings, sanitary items for women
8th grade- various sized belts, shampoo, conditioner